[Eug-lug] XP Pro anyone?

Quentin Hartman qhartman at gmail.com
Sat Jul 22 00:14:10 PDT 2006

Just had to put in my .02 here since we're talking about the local
vendors. I must say my experiences at VOS have similar to what I've
heard here. I pretty much only shop there if I desperate, and even
then I usually end up deciding the part I needed isn't _that_
important after I see their prices. On the other hand, ComputerBase
has always been awesome. Woo! ComputerBase! :D I haven't been shopping
much lately, but I heard a rumor somewhere that they got bought by
some larger company. Does anyone know if there's any truth to that?

Where else in the Eugene / Spfd / Corv area do you guys shop? I'm
always looking for the hole-in-wall place that will have what I need.
I really miss "the junk shop" (I think it was actually called Eagle
Electronics)  that was in Fort Collins, CO. Big place packed to the
gills with semi-organized electronic stuff of jsut about every
vintage, including a lot of computer parts. I could always count on
find ing interesting stuff there, even if it wasn't exactly what I
came in for. Is there anything like that i nthis area?


-Quentin Hartman-

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